Saturday, November 30, 2019

Store Management Internship Company Profile free essay sample

Kohls was selected by Businesslike as one of the best places to launch a career for new college graduates. With more than 1000 stores, we are one of the fastest- growing retailers in the country, and were continually introducing great new brands such as LLC Lauren Conrad, Dana Bushman, Simply Vera Vera Wang, ALLEY, Food Network. The best part is that our growth meaner unlimited opportunities for you. If you are looking to start your career at a fast-paced retailer, what better place to start than at Kohls with store locations from Coast to Coast. Our store management internship program is rapidly growing, providing over 300 interns this summer the opportunity to gain experience in the field of management while at the same time allowing each intern to embrace Kohls culture and Core Values. If you have a creative mind, strong leadership skills, and want big responsibilities in a short amount of time, now is your chance to check out Kohls. We will write a custom essay sample on Store Management Internship Company Profile or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Position Summary: The Store Management Internship Program is a 10 week Summer program running from June 6 to August 12, 2011. This internship is designed to give you the knowledge ND experience needed to explore what an exciting career in retail management is all about. Our Training Program consists of the following: computer based training, hands-on sales floor training, executive development, and exposure to all areas of the Store. You will also be provided with multiple opportunities to enhance your experience through exposure to senior level leadership, a Kohls Executive Roundtable Discussion, and more! As an intern with Kohls you will be treated as part of the management team and learn the principles of what it takes to run a successful detail business. If you enjoy working with people and engaging in several dynamic roles, or if you are a high-energy person, who tends to get bored easily sitting at a desk all day long, a career in store management is sure to challenge and excite you. In addition to several training modules and daily store management responsibilities, each intern will complete an Impact Analysis Project. This project is your opportunity to research a specific area or opportunity within your training store and solve a problem or offer ideas for improvements. You will present your Impact Analysis Project to Senior Executives at the completion of your ten weeks. As Kohls intern, you are given big responsibilities and the opportunity to shine! What to Expect: Full Time career opportunities upon successful completion of the Internship Program An opportunity to be a Campus Ambassador for Kohls to assist in college recruiting on your campus * *Select campuses only Competitive wages Exposure to Senior Level Management; including District and Regional Managers Mentors Program with former Interns Hands-on experience with In-Store Merchandising, Management Development, Sales, Store Operations, Scheduling, Payroll, and Human Resources Opportunity to visit and analyze the competition Continuous performance feedback Impact Analysis Project to demonstrate skills gained throughout the Internship Required Qualifications: Anticipated graduation date between DCE 2011 Gag 2012 Pursuing a Bachelors degree in Business, Communication, or related field Must be able to work full time between the dates of June 6 August 12, 2011 Authorization to work in the U. S. Without sponsorship Strong analytical, leadership, and communication skills

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Coso and Basel Essays

Coso and Basel Essays Coso and Basel Essay Coso and Basel Essay Financial Collapses and Regulations New England College of Business In an era of risky investments and failed financial institutions, additional importance is being placed on businesses implementing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) plans. ERM is defined by the Institute of Internal Auditors (2012) as an approach designed to identify, quantify, respond to, and monitor the consequences of potential events implemented by management. Without an ERM plan, transparency to shareholders and internal accountability are nearly impossible to achieve. COSO and Basel are both reactive frameworks to increased regulatory changes that forced institutions to show more transparency to their financial reporting, in order to manage operational risks, mitigate the likelihood of a collapse, and ensure stability in volatile market conditions (Farnan 2004; Balin 2008); these measures increase confidence in investors. This comparative analysis of COSO and Basel seeks to indentify common measures that are necessary to form a functional ERM plan, the most important being the accountability of management and its communication with the Board (The New Basel Accord 2003). A Comparative Analysis of ERM Guidelines: COSO I/II and Basel I/II Introduction Due to the epidemic of failed financial systems seen over the past decade, agencies and private organizations (e. g. , Securities and Exchange Commission, NICE, etc. ) have set in place guidelines for the standardization of reporting and evaluating risk in an effort to eliminate surprise collapses in the future (NICE Systems Ltd. 2012). Alexander Campbell, Editor, Operational Risk Regulation, states that regulatory approaches are changing and requiring companies to streamline processes for monitoring internal risks at a company, such as fraud (NICE Systems Ltd. 2012). Common goals of organizing committees trying to tackle regulatory challenges are to improve communication between the board and management, increase shareholders confidence, and most importantly, for entities to thoroughly evaluate their liquidity so that in the event of a crisis, investors assets are secured (Bressac 2005; Decamps, Rochet, Roger 2003). This comparative analysis of COSO and Basel identifies the standards these documents set for institutions to maintain an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) plan, as well as the affects these documents shortcomings and constraints have on entities which apply either COSO or Basel. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is defined by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) (2012) as an approach designed to identify, quantify, respond to, and monitor the consequences of potential events implemented by management. It is important for all parties affiliated with an institutions ERM plan to clearly identify and understand the events that impact a companys value in order for the entity to achieve its objectives (IIA 2012). The frameworks COSO and Basel both attempt to be reactive solutions to public events in which lack of an adequate ERM plan has contributed to a collapse of a major institution or market which had a detrimental affect on the public (Farnan 2004; Lall 2009). Both documents have been explored by many key opinion leaders in the financial industry, and while each provides a set of guidelines for developing successful ERM protocols, each also fails to be foolproof. Shaw (2006) provides the argument that while the COSO standard was groundbreaking at the time, it was not meant to be a marking guide for controls. Moreover, in regards to Pillar 3 of the Basel Accord which depicts methods of Value-At-Risk (VAR) calculations, Standard and Poors noted that although these VAR methods appear to offer mathematical precision†¦they are not a magic bullet (Lall 2009). COSO and Basel can be seen as a significant step forward for the times (Saurina and Persaud 2008). Basel In 1974, the Basel Committee of Banking Supervision (BCBS) was created (consisting of the G10 plus Luxembourg and Spain) in light of the challenges from an increasingly internationalized banking system (Lall 2009). In the 1980s, it became clear (post-Latin America Debt Crisis, 1982) that a process was needed regulate the international banking system to mitigate risk and manage losses (Lall 2009). The first Basel Accord and Basel II, referred to as Basel, is a method of risk management, specifically for financial institutions operating on a multi-national level, that sets minimum capital requirements (8% of adjusted assets (Decamps, Rochet, Roger 2003)) that these institutions must uphold to minimize the risk of a collapse in the international banking system (Lamy 2006). Basel I, the first international accord on bank capital was established in 1988, by the BCBS (Finance Development 2008), with the goal to arrive at significantly more risk-sensitive capital requirements with the primary objective in line with ensuring stability in the international banking system (Lamy 2006). In 2004, Basel II was introduced, with amendments in response to the Quantitative Impact Study, QIS 3, (published in May 2003), an increase in the amount of capital banks must set aside for high-risk exposures, and changes from feedback from banks on Basel I (Finance Development 2008; Lamy 2006). The Basel framework is focused on three pillars: a minimum capital adequacy requirement, supervisory review, and market discipline (Decamps, Rochet, Roger 2003). Basel I was highly criticized for having a one size fits all approach to formulating institutions risk-weighted assets (with insensitivity to emerging countries), in addition to unrealistic capital requirements that discouraged even reasonable risk taking (Kaufman 2003). In response to these critiques, BCSB began to draft Basel II, in which the amendments to Pillar I (310 out of ~350 pages of the document (Balin 2008)) were most notable. Balin (2008) describes the menu of various options that Basel II encompasses for Pillar I, which allow institutions to choose the most suitable options dependent on a series of factors (i. e. , size, rating, etc. ). The minimum capital requirement pillar focuses on the least amount of capital a bank must maintain to be protected from credit, operational, and market risks (Ahmed and Khalidi 2007). In Basel II, the highly critiqued credit risk requirements were modified to decrease the one size fits all stigma of Basel I (Kaufman 2003). Additionally, Basel II takes into account loopholes found in Basel I that enabled banks to maintain their desired level of risk while cosmetically assuaging to minimum capital adequacy requirements, which was done mainly through a transfer of assets to holding companies and subsidiaries (Balin 2008). Similar to COSO framework, the first pillar of Basel seeks to unite various types of risks into an overall evaluation of capital requirements to safeguard shareholders and investors. Pillar 2, the Supervisory Review, is meant to insure that banks have adequate capital to support all the risks in their business including, but not limited to, the calculations in Pillar 1 (Kaufman 2003). This Pillar clearly defines of obligations of supervisory oversight against extreme risk taking; of note in this Pillar is line 680, which states: Supervisors are expected to evaluate how well banks are assessing their capital needs relative to their risks and to intervene, where appropriate. This interaction is intended to foster an active dialogue between banks and supervisors such that when deficiencies are identified, prompt and decisive action can be taken to reduce risk or restore capital (The New Basel Capital Accord 2003). The four principles of Pillar 2 seek to hold the supervisors responsible for implicating processes, reviewing, setting expectations, and intervening when warranted in regard to management of capital risks (The New Basel Capital Accord 2003). Pillar 3 seeks to protect against changes in asset prices (market risk) (Balin 2008), which is an addition to the credit risk factors of Basel I. Using the Value-At-Risk (VAR) model, banks were able to determine the probability of a portfolios value decreasing by more than a set amount over a given time period (Lall 2009). Critics of the VAR model, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), claim that it fails to account for extreme market events and assumes that the processes generating market events were stable (Lall 2009). COSO In July 2002, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was passed with the goals of increasing investor and public confidence in the post-Enron era and increasing management accountability, among others (Farnan 2004). Section 404 of SOX states that effective for some large companies, beginning December 31, 2004, a separate management report on internal control effectiveness and audit by the organizations external financial statement auditor is required (Farnan 2004). COSOs framework lays out a path for developing efficient operations and regulatory compliance methods, and has been established as the framework recommended by agencies such as the SEC for public companies to base their financial reporting on (Farnan 2004). The Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commissions (COSO) is comprised of five private organizations in the financial industry (COSO Web site 2012). The COSO organization was established in 1995 with the mission to provide thought leadership through the development of comprehensive frameworks and guidance on enterprise risk management, internal control and fraud deterrence, and attempts to enhance success and leadership, and minimize fraud in company reporting (COSO Web site 2012). Since its establishment, COSO has published frameworks aimed at helping publicly traded companies cope with tough new monitoring requirements mandated by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Shaw 2006), and to help businesses manage risk, by looking at business units as an entire entity, designed to improve organizational performance and governance and to reduce the extent of fraud in organization (COSO Web site 2012). The COSO framework is a cube comprised of four (three in COSO I) company objectives perpendicular to eight (five in COSO I) factors that together form a risk assessment program for which companies can reduce risks by realizing the amount of capital needed for consequences (Bressac 2005). Similar to Basel, COSO dictates that the board is responsible for overseeing managements design and operation of ERM (Bressac 2005). One factor that COSO framework includes is the measurement of a companys risk appetite, the amount of risk, on a broad level, an entity is willing to accept in pursuit of value (Rittenberg and Martens 2012). Many objectives that management sets for their company (i. e. , increase market share, win competitive tenders) include a substantial amount of risk, and COSOs strategic decision-making framework allows managers to present the objectives in relation to appetite to the Board for approval (Rittenberg and Martens 2012). Conclusions Both COSO and Basel were drawn to effectively respond to new implications (Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Shaw 2006) and new laws capital requirements for banks (Lamy 2006), respectively), and each have principles that can help institutions manage ERM more effectively. For example, The New Basel Capital Accord (2003) clearly articulates that setting a minimum amount of available capital resources is a vital element of the strategic planning process, and the three pillars devise a plan to do this. Bressec (2005) claims that COSO II framework articulates a way for managers to effectively deal with the events that create uncertainty for entities and create responses to minimize potential losses. COSO and Basel were both released in the infancy stage and flawed. Samad-Khan (2005) observed that COSOs creditability is diminished because consequences are predicted to occur much more frequently than had been historically recorded in the past. Supporters acknowledge that Basel II has arcane ideas, but defend that its still a step in the right direction because it increases financial oversight and makes sure banks wont be doomed by crises of confidence (Coy 2008). It is important to note that while COSO and Basel offer much protection against quantitative risk assessments, they must be coupled with the knowledge and insight of senior risk managements to be most efficient (Lall 2009; Samad-Khan 2005). Moreover, both COSO and Basel also provide constraints that limit the amount of risks institutions can endure, sometimes excessively. Pall (2009) discusses one failure in Basel II as the ability for developed-nation banks to skew their reports to their desired results, at the expense of their smaller and emerging market competitors and, above all, systemic financial stability. Samad-Khan (2005) emphasizes that historical data is still the most reliable way for companies to determine the probability for risk to occur. Start-ups will not have this historical data, therefore may overestimate their probability of risk using the likelihood x impact = risk calculation (Samad-Khan 2005) and miss out on potentially positive opportunities. Others against the provisions claim that both documents (e. g. , Basel in the Emerging markets) implement concessions that constrain potential growth by overcompensating for potential consequences and depleting lending capital for banks, which in the 1930s contributed to the Great Depression (Coy 2008). Historical events depict the need for more stringent regulatory guidelines in this era of financial market uncertainty. The most important common factor of Basel and COSO are that each clearly states that it is managements responsibility to have a functional ERM plan in place, and be in communication with the Board about potential risks that the company faces (Bressec 2005; The New Basel Capital Accord 2003). Holding management accountable for the risks the business takes, while making sure that the Board is in agreement with managements plan creates a necessary harmony of a checks and balances system, in turn creating a safer landscape for shareholders and the public to place faith in. When properly executed,

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Case Study In Chinese Independent Secondary Schools Education Essay

A Case Study In Chinese Independent Secondary Schools Education Essay This study is to examine the role of leadership in teacher professional development in Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Klang Valley. The specific variables that will be investigated include teachers’ perceptions of teacher professional development; teachers’ expectations as well as the principal’s role in facilitating teacher professional development. Developments in leadership will lead to changes in the ways teachers work. These will subsequently increase the need to review teacher professional development. The purpose of this research is to establish how the dual of the principal and the teachers manifests itself in professional development. This research will be significant as it will examine the voices of teachers on how leadership contributes to teacher professional development. The research will be conducted using qualitative methodology. It will be based on a case study of two Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Klang Valley. Data will be c ollected using questionnaires and follow up interviews which will be administered to elicit responses from principals, deputy principals and teachers in both schools. The findings will reveal the need for teachers in Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Klang Valley to engage more in teacher professional development programmes in order for them to have a better understanding of the concept. This study will also demonstrate if teacher professional development should be the core work of both the principals and teachers in order to create a learning environment in their schools so that both can develop professionally. Based on the results obtained in this study, we will determine if Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Klang Valley need more awareness in teacher professional development and how it will influence the leadership. Keywords: Leadership, Principals, Teachers, Teacher Professional Development, Teaching and Learning 1.0 INTRODUCTION Having been a teacher for ten years and now majoring in educational management, I am very much interested in finding out the effects of school leadership on the professional development of the teachers in the Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Selangor. Chinese Secondary Independent Schools are solely governed by The United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaysia (UCSCAM) which coordinates the curriculum used in the schools and organizes the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) standardized test. Generally teachers are not employed through the professional teachers training colleges in Malaysia rather they are appointed through individual school administration which is governed by the directors (share holders) of the school as they are not governed by any central system therefore school management is based on the individual school superiors. As a teacher from a Chinese Independent Secondary School, I had been involved in various professional development programmes in school. These programmes were mos tly conducted during school hours and often during the school holidays. Thus it is my interest to find out how the school leadership contributes in molding and producing teachers who are as competent as the trained teachers by the Teachers Training Colleges under the Malaysia Education System. This is because this will determine whether the Chinese Secondary Independent Schools are producing individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonic, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God, in line with the goals of the Malaysian National Philosophy of Education.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting 4 states in Middle East Essay

Comparing and Contrasting 4 states in Middle East - Essay Example Crane was in favor of a Palestinian state, and made several declarations in contra of the Balfour Declaration, which called for the creation of the Jewish state. Israel was actually the brainchild of Theodore Herzl, â€Å"†¦who founded the Zionist political movement.†2 â€Å"On 29 November 1947, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly voted in favor of [Partition Resolution (UN Res. 181)]†¦replacing the British mandate with two independent states†¦The UN partition resolution laid down a timetable for the termination of the British mandate and for the establishment of [both] Jewish [and] Arab state[s]†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 3 Relations between the West and the Middle East were not always entirely contentious. In the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence between Sir Henry McMahon (the British High Commissioner in Egypt) and the Sharif of Mecca (Hussein bin Ali), the two men discussed the political future of the Middle East—McMahon encouraging an Arab revolt within the Ott oman Empire, since it had sided with Germany as an ally. Speaking of the Middle East, the Masjid-e-Suleiman was The Mosque of Solomon—the site where a large amount of oil was located. Palestine was a former British colony. Lebanon was a former French colony. The Druzes migrated due to the civil war in Lebanon in the 1860s. The Maydan Quarter of Damascus and the Druze was basically a riot over grain that led to a rise in Arab nationalism in Syria. In Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt—there were a bunch of â€Å"Accommodationist Notables†, wealthy prominents who were considered to have stakes in controlling mandates in the Middle East. With the advent of the Bombing of the King David Hotel (carried out by Irgun, which, like Lehi was a Zionist paramilitary organization), there were Britons, Arabs, Jews, and others killed. What had happened was that Irgun had been given a mandate by a man named Moshe Sneh. He ordered his men to dress up—one man as a Sudanese, ot her men as Arabs—in order to pass security. Someone warned the Palestine Post that the bombing was about to occur. Also, the French consulate was apparently warned in advance. However, the appropriate warnings did not go off in the Hotel, which was owned by Jewish nationals. The bombing lit off a firestorm in Britain. The bombing was decried, and Irgun was called a terrorist organization. This was done partly because Zionist Jews wanted to make a statement against a Nazi-British alliance. Anti-Jewish sentiment was also strong in Britain, and Britain’s occupancy of the Palestinian state only served to deepen the divide between Britain and what would one day become Israel. In fact, the Irgun organization would one day have their members absorbed into the state of Israel’s Likud party, which has somehow been involved in every major election in Israel since the early 1950s. Speaking about divisions of land in the Middle East, The Sykes-Picot Agreement was basically an Anglo-French agreement post-World War I that followed a previous agreement which carved Syria, Kurdistan, Acre, and Haifa between Russia, Britain, an unnamed Arab state, as well as Palestine. The pilfering of land would not be unique to the Middle East, however. Operation Barbarossa was Nazi Germany’s invasion of Soviet Union territory in 1941, Hitler claiming that his people needed more space. Hitler would continue to invade most of Western Europe and a large part of Eastern Europe. However, when he tried to march against Russia, his soldiers found themselves not

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reform - Essay Example Majority of the largest pro-temperance groups in all nations have been females, often as component of what others pertain to as feminism. The powerful temperance advocacies of the early years had most of their aids in females who were not agreeing to the potential life risks and threats connected with excessive alcohol consumption, and the big share of family profits that are being eaten up by it, which was particularly very difficult to hold for poor families. In most countries, informal social management in the household and societies supported to maintain that the excessive consumption of alcohol can not be accepted. As the communities expanded from rural communities into modernized societies, alcohol consumption trends started to develop as well. As modernization unfolded its impacts on all kinds of people, financial development and modernization were accompanied by the existence of poverty, lack of job opportunities, and violence. These existing social dilemmas were often connected to alcohol abuse. Social advocacy over excessive alcohol consumption reduced significantly, anti-drunkenness policies became timid and alcohol dilemmas grew significantly (Tarrow 5). The future of some Temperance movements all over the world seemed positive even if their members where mostly young people and women, which advised temperance rather than the total abolition of alcohol. But most of the leaders where not determined in their efforts, and these resulted to the downfall of these movements. Due to the connection between alcohol abuse and crimes even within households—most drunkard husbands performed unthinkable violence within their families-- the temperance movement became present hand in hand with different female rights and other organizations, involving the progressive organization, and most of the time the similar advocates were included in all of the organizations mentioned. Most past advocates of anti-slavery became

Saturday, November 16, 2019

War On Iraq And The Bombing Of Pearl Harbor Essay Example for Free

War On Iraq And The Bombing Of Pearl Harbor Essay In July of 1941, Japanese assets were frozen in America, and the consequent cessation of shipment of oil, scrap iron, and other goods from the United States, Japans economy was in most severe straits and her power to wage war directly threatened and her ability to make war was becoming severely threatened by the ongoing embargoes against her. Japanese military planners estimated that reserves of oil, painfully accumulated in the late 1930s when the risk of just such a squeeze became evident, would last at most two years by which time it would be far too late to make a stand, militarily, against the United States in China or elsewhere. Somehow, Japan had found its way to a no good choices scenario, with acquiescence to American demands dooming Japan to a less than coequal status with the worlds dominant powers, or war with the United States sooner than later before supplies dwindled below practical abilities to make war. (Russett, 1997, p. 46). Diplomatic efforts proved useless when The United States, and the British and Dutch, would end the embargoes only as a response to Japanese withdrawal from air and naval bases in Indochina; and at this time the Japanese military began to consider war with the U. S. inevitable. Most of the Japanese elite were opposed to any settlement which would in effect have meant withdrawal from China which would also mean the increase of Western, particularly American influence, in precisely those ares which Japans ruling castes believed were the natural provinces of the Japanese Empire. (Russett, 1997, p. 47). While the Japanese military planned for war, the American government also planned for an escalation of hostilities: By autumn 1941, however, opinion was crystallizing in the highest levels of the American decision-making system this process was leading to war. Roosevelt informally polled his cabinet on the question of whether the country would support war against Japan and the result was that All members responded in the affirmative; with public support behind the war, conflict with Japan seemed immanent. (Russett, 1997, p. 50) By the beginning of December their attack was irrevocably set in motion. The Japanese conviction that war could not be limited to the British and Dutch had to be based wholly on inference. Yet it was a correct analysis and a solid conviction, as shown by the otherwise inexplicable risk they took at Pearl Harbor the attack ensured American popular support for the war in the Pacific, just as the moral argument against Hitler in Europe worked to fuel public support for the American entry into World War Two. (Russett, 1997, p. 51) Although ambiguity persists in the public perception of the contribution of the United States intelligence services to the build up toward the Iraqi War, official statements by high-ranking intelligence officials who served during the time period in question maintain a specific position: that the U. S. possessed credible information that Iraq maintained an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and these weapons posed a potential threat to America. In point of fact when classified intelligence reports surfaced in 2002 which seemed to indicate that the United States had no reliable evidence before hostilities that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. (Official Rebuts Story of, 2003, p. A03). The question as to whether or not the war can be considered a fall-out of bad intelligence then, would seem to be a non-starter. The simple facts, despite leaked report of 2002, are that the intelligence agencies, including the CIA and the DIA posited and maintained the position through the buildup and afterward that Iraq posed a threat to the U. S. and that Iraq possessed illegal weapons of mass destruction. Since no weapons were found, there was obviously and most tragically a profound failure of intelligence. A failure so profound, in fact, that the blame for a catastrophe involving potentially hundreds of thousands of deaths and untold trillions of dollars should lie squarely on the intelligence gathering agencies who so grossly mishandled their responsibilities and led America into an unnecessary and dearly costly war. Works Cited Decosse, D. E. Authority, Lies, and War: Democracy and the Development of Just War Theory. Theological Studies, 67(2), 378+. (2006). Official Rebuts Story of Iraq Intelligence Shortcomings; Says Leaked Classified Report Was Misread regarding Weapons Program. The Washington Times, p. A03. (2003, June 7). Russett, B. M. No Clear and Present Danger: A Skeptical View of the United States Entry into World War II. Boulder,Colo. : Westview Press. (1997).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay example --

The judgment in Romalpa now simply serves as a romantic notion of what a retention of title clause could be. In reality, such clauses are now a far more scrutinised and difficult prospect for the unpaid seller looking for redress. Critically discuss The concept of a retention of title clause (hereinafter, referred to as ROT) can be traced back to late 19th Century in the case of McEntire v Crossley1. But it’s more well-known origins rest in the case of AIV v Romalpa2, so much so that ROT clauses are often known as ‘Romalpa clauses’. The incorporation of a ROT clause into a sale of goods contract allows for a seller to retain title to the goods purchased until some condition by the buyer is satisfied, usually the payment of the price. Such clauses are given effect through sections 17 and 19 of the Sale of Goods Act 19793. Section 17 realises that property will only pass when the parties intended it to do so, while section 18 gives the seller the right of disposal until all the conditions have been satisfied. The intention behind retention of title clauses is to assure the seller that payment will ultimately be made, and if not, the seller can reclaim their goods. The underlying importance of this is that in th e circumstance that a buyer becomes insolvent, an effective ROT clause will allow that seller priority over any other creditors. Prima facie, it can be seen that a ROT clause is a positive mechanism. It confers a sense of security on the seller that if they are not paid for their goods, they will at least get their goods back. However, the clause has been restricted and narrowly interpreted that it has called into question whether a ROT clause is now a more difficult prospect for the unpaid seller looking for redress. To ... ...(Article 9-312(5)(a)). Hence the first creditor to file has the first claim to the assets and accounts.† So long as everyone with an interest in the buyer and their assets plays their part, it appears that their interests will be represented and balance with each other. Monti suggested that ‘Judges should be made conscious of the importance of RTCs in trade and should be made to see the approach of other countries’. The UCC is just one example of how a security system operates, other jurisdictions have been drawn in to highlight that a truly successful reform will involve combining the most positive aspects of each system. Unlike other aspects of the law, commerce is a fast-paced environment, and change must happen soon to provide clarity and focus. Without it trade will be halted, the economy will falter, and the protection of sellers will continue to be overlooked.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Us Health Care System Health And Social Care Essay

There are a broad scope of wellness attention systems all over the universe, with different histories and organisational support systems. In many states, wellness attention system direction and planning is carried out by different stakeholders such as authorities, public organisations ands other bureaus to be after, pull off, form and fund proviso of health care to the population they serve ( Anonymous, 2011 ) . The United States of America wellness attention system has been a complex issue to many citizens despite of its normal usage and long history. Health attention in US is a immense $ 3 trillion industry, it consists of 1000s of partnerships and independent medical patterns and supplier organisations like nursing places, infirmaries and other specialized attention installations. The United States wellness attention industry is graded 2nd as compared to fabricating sections. On footing of ingestion, Americans utilize more on lodging and nutrients than they use on medical attention ( Sultz & A ; Young, 2011 ) . Additionally, wellness attention is by far the biggest service industry in this state and besides the universe ‘s 8th biggest economic system. More astonishing than its size, nevertheless, is its complexness, non merely is this wellness attention labour intensive at every degree but besides the sorts and maps of its great forces change sporadically to get by to new ways of pr esenting attention services, cognition and progressing engineering. As it ‘s on a regular basis connected with advancement medical progresss now and so creates new challenges while work outing former challenges. The emerging of medical cognition that led to narrowly defined medical professionals has compounded a long standing defect of American wellness attention.Goals of wellness attention systemHarmonizing to World Health Organization, health care should be antiphonal to the demands of the population and proviso of effectual wellness service. Progress towards wellness attention relies on how systems carry out four of import maps viz. , funding, proviso of wellness attention services, stewardship and resource coevals. Other dimensions for the appraisal of wellness attention systems comprise of, quality, equity, efficiency and acceptableness ( Anonymous, 2011 ) .Suppliers of wellness attentionHealth attention suppliers are organisations or persons supplying wellness attention services. The wellness suppliers can be freelance or working as employed in health care establishments, whether for-profit or non-profit, or in a authorities organic structure or community-based service bringing point ( Clark et EL, 2010 ) . A position in the center of several Americans dictate that, in malice of intervention cost every bit good as other crisis in wellness attention organisation, they still get better wellness attention as opposed to many other states. In fact, 50 per centum of Americans surveyed for past old ages said U.S. patients receive better quality of attention than do those in other states, even though merely 40 per centum said they thought the US had the universe ‘s best wellness attention system ( Clark et EL, 2010 ) . While many Americans hold up authorities workss to hike intervention and diminish the disbursals of wellness attention, a latest canvass found out that 60 per centum are concerned on health care quality going worse if the authorities guaranteed wellness attention for all. However, there is no concrete grounds to demo that quality of wellness attention will cut down if it becomes cosmopolitan. Still, wellness attention suppliers, policy shapers together with the wide populac e have diverse ideas to which stage of wellness attention indicate its excellence and the 1s that are more important.Medical engineering public presentationThis is unmistakable retrieved in U.S. restructuring treatment that, accepted formations of characteristics that make up a excellent quality wellness attention include assortments of facets. even if seemingly excellent entail greater wellness merchandises, other characteristics measured analytical of quality materialize to convey approximately recognized visual aspect of United States wellness attention advantage, numbering a certainty that US citizens with excellent insurance coverage outstandingly gain from timely easiness of usage and easiness of entree of up-to-date wellness steps, devices, medical specialties together with extremely educated and submissive wellness attention experts, who are cognizant and without fail use the best accomplishments to their clients ( Clark et EL, 2010 ) . On the other manus, some claim that US have low-grade quality on attention topographic point to their reasonably hapless public wellness status and factors like obstructor to admittance for people without satisfactory insurance intervention or partial wellness readying beginning webs and unsatisfactory organisation amid beginnings in disconnected wellness attention bringing system. The full characteristics of quality every bit good as wider wellness system presentation are critical and echt concern. Specifically, US wellness attention focuses on efficiency or technological and clinical quality and respect excess measuring of excellence or wellness organisation modus operandi which are most straight connected: suitableness, defence, easiness of entree, satisfactoriness, and consciousness.Professionals and cons on credentialingSuccessful credentialing, merely hearing and entreaty processs all offer assorted virtues for a managed attention organisation. These virtues comprise of, hazard direction, official blessing, unsusc eptibility from service suppliers ‘ cases under the Health Care Quality Improvement Act and optimistic selling to people seeking to purchase wellness attention policies, possible member suppliers and clients ( Sobelman, 2001 ) . Harmonizing to the guess of inattentive credentialing, managed attention organisation is accountable and may perchance be considered apt because of uncovering a harmed consumer to the unprofessional wellness beginning by unsuccessfully transporting out a suited credentialing appraisal. The organisation besides take on a hazard that consumers can look to garner amendss if a consumer is harmed as a consequence of misconduct of a wellness beginning reckoned subsequently as unprofessional ( Sobelman, 2001 ) . A managed attention organisation that applies sensible attention in credentialing and measuring its wellness suppliers lessens its hazard of liability of a misdirection suit by one of its squad members.Comparison of US wellness attention quality with other statesHarmonizing to a research undertaken among five states, that is, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, US and England, comparings on original quality indexs exhibited that, each state maps extremely good than others as compared wi th four other states ( Hussey et al, 2004 ) . Each of these states could better the excellence of attention. In Australia for case, malignant neoplastic disease endurance instances were usually at upper limit ( with exclusion of infant leukaemia ) , breast malignant neoplastic disease testing instances were besides at upper limit, asthma mortality instance was someway at lower limit, while influenza together with polio inoculation instances were at upper limit. However, happening of whooping cough in Australia was at maximal than any other state, exposing a opportunity for upgrading. In a state like Canada, rates of malignant neoplastic disease endurance were someway standard or beyond standard, together with the Numberss greater in kids with leukaemia. Rate of shot human death was by and large at lower limit. Transplant survival rate was besides someway at upper limit in Canada. Nevertheless, AMI instances were at upper limit in Canada as compared to New Zealand and Australia withi n aged persons. Data verifies Pertussis prevalence was at upper limit as compared to the four states apart from Australia ( Hussey et al, 2004 ) . In instances such as self-destruction, the rates were marked minimum in England as compared to the four states, while inoculation for infantile paralysis was at upper limit. In add-on, malignant neoplastic disease endurance instances, cervical and breast malignant neoplastic disease showing were besides minimum in England. This verifies former European similarity and exposes a room for upgrading. Measless prevalence on the other manus, was comparatively high in England as compared to four states. The promotion in asthma instances for the old 20 old ages in New Zealand, is a clear accomplishment narrative, though there is clip for more betterment as colorectal malignant neoplastic disease moderate endurance rates were at upper limit ( Hussey et al, 2004 ) . Additionally, suicide instances in New Zealand, specifically amongst immature grownups, were at upper limit as compared to the other four states. Stroke human death instances were really high amongst older people while Breast malignant neoplastic disease showings together with grippe and inoculation for infantile paralysis figure was someway at lower limit. However, chest malignant neoplastic disease instances in United States were at upper limit as compared to other four states, while testing rates for cervical malignant neoplastic disease were besides at upper limit. A major subdivision for consideration is asthma mortality well increasing within United States though decreasing in four states. As for graft endurance instances, they were besides at lower limit in United States. As United States now and over, maps comparatively better for these indexs, it ‘s non easy to settle that, it ‘s having better values for the medical wellness attention dollar as stated from the information. The large unsimilarity in the measure spent by United States on wellness attention as compared to the remainder of states might be justified merely if the extra money added any excess additions ( Hussey et al, 2004 ) . Population analysis has indicated the excess outgo to be likely non buying advanced experiences with wellness attention organisation, with the exclusion of minimum delaies for no pressing operation. Recent research workers have besides reported America to be amongst underside quartile in public wellness attention facets like life anticipation and mortality of babies. From the above statements and findings, it ‘s really clear that, every state has a good quality of wellness attention. A figure of the indexs link on wellness affairs which amount to a immense cost of burg age of diseases within such states, whilst some similar graft endurance instances have minor deductions as respects population wellness. Other diseases like diabetes that represents immense portion of disease load are non included ( Hussey et al, 2004 ) . However cardinal betterments on quality measuring abilities have been employed in several states that indicate a capacity for betterment. More important, implementing on Commonwealth Fund ‘s International Working Group concerned with Quality Indicators together with an indistinguishable attempt applied by a squad of some Norse states, an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has employed an attack to switch the whole work frontward, enlarge the capacity of states being engaged, commit the aggregation of these indexs and develop extra quality indexs. If one put into considerations the cost-effectiveness, it is non easy to clearly indicate out the ideal criterions for process indexs ; maximal instances are sensible, though at given peculiar phase fringy benefit is someway infinitesimal. In deficiency of these ideal degrees, it ‘s of import that states benchmark evaluations against those from other states such as the 1s listed supra. The above comparings exhibit that states offer these wellness attention intercessions at typically indistinguishable rates, though chances are present for states to raise the wellness attention criterion similar to the high quality states.Preventive attentionA confirmation on US comparings to other urbanised states as respects preventative attention quality is slightly assorted. Davis et EL viewed United States as holding reasonably high-toned preventative attention in a study that analyzed study comparing the quality of attention among five states . Eighty per centum of adult females in American reported to hold done a Pap vilification for the past two old ages and eighty four per centum of adult females in American whose age was 50 to sixty four old ages reported to hold done a mammogram for the past two old ages ( Hussey et al, 2004 ) .DecisionUnited States wellness attention has done so small to turn to the unimportant and uneconomical duplicate of some services in some parts and the absences of needfully services in others. As a solution, president Obama proposal for a cardinal reform of United States wellness attention system created a more rambunctious response by those with vested involvements in the position quo. Despite of the extroverted governmental intercession, wellness attention system is presently undergoing a revolution. Additionally, betterment materializes non by mandate, but alternatively via modernisation which is directed by specializers with a end to accommodate betterments against local fortunes. Assort ed beginning organisations provide quality wellness attention ( Clarke et el, 2011 ) . They endeavor to achieve the best wellness attention modus operandis as portrayed by professionals in healthcare subdivisions. Although grounds for better public presentation are multifaceted, high accomplishments are repeatedly attained because a set of suppliers together with stakeholders discovered a quality challenge and dedicated stuffs and forces to work on it. During the working, they may recognize new things, which may in bend be accepted and practiced by others.There still exist an purpose to accomplish higher criterion in constituents of the U.S. wellness attention quality.A

Saturday, November 9, 2019

My Writing Experience

Cody Dwells 1-21-13 English 101 My writing experience hasn’t always been good. In fact I’ve had to get some help with it. I was the type that didn’t know how to start a sentence or end one. The help that I got was in grade school, and it really made me get looked down on, so that’s why I didn’t ask for help any more. This had a big impact on me. It made me not want anything to do with writing, because I thought I wasn’t any good at it.My senior year in high school I was put in Mrs. Effie Stidham’s class. She was the new teacher that year and no one really knew her, but she cared for her kids in class. She was the type of teacher who would really help with any problem, and she would do it in a way nobody else knew. The second day of class we had an essay to write, and it was about stop lights. Well I talked to her and told her about my problem. About me not liking to write and wasn’t that good at it.So she came up with the idea f or me to write about anything I could, so the first thing to hit my mind was some personal problems I had been having. One page led to another and it really felt great to get it out and off my chest. After I stared to write about all my problems I felt free, like I was expressing myself and doing away with my problems. That’s when my writing experience changed, it changed for the best. The only real problem I had was run on senesce and where to put comas.I had got into college, and my first year I took English under Randy Moon. He had brought new things to the table. Things that I needed to know, like where to put comas and what a run on was. He offered more help on how to write essays. It was hard for me to start writing essays, because here I was again trying to write about other things. Mr. Moon had made us try something in class one day called free writing. Free writing is where you start off on topic and write if your mind goes blank just keep writing about anything.Befo re you know it your mind goes right back to the topic. This has helped me so much to become a writer. I’m still not the best at writing, but it is a lot easier for me. I have become to like writing it’s one of my favorite subjects now. Writing is a very important part of life, no matter what you do. Sometimes you’re writing can determine if you get the big job or not. If you were like me and about to give up, don’t cause they are help out there you just have to find the right person that is willing to do so.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Haunted House

Haunted House Free Online Research Papers Generations of superstition have bred the thought that there exists a house inhabited by more than mere mortal flesh – one that possesses spirits of sorts, an unseen force capable of imposing independent will upon human dwellers. Such spirits, as they tend to develop over years, are sagging faces of previous tenants, whose dolourific lives are absorbed into the heart of the very home that bore them. The ghastly umbrae emerge with the sole desire to establish reigning presence over the psyche of the living. They are but a malicious stagecoach driver who holds both bullwhip and blunderbuss to unwittingly subservient horses, horses that know no other treatment. It follows, therefore, that an atmosphere depends on the collective mind of living residents, who are affected by and in turn contribute to this harrowingly irrevocable cycle. But ho! Maintain sanity, for such a place exists only as the setting in a mystic’s tale. Such a setting is imagined, such a place I ha ve known. From a distance a weary traveler reveled in its magnificence. So prudently was this house perched atop a lonely hill. It seemed awkwardly massive, an oversized chapeau atop a wispy haired nobleman. In the hour ‘twixt dusk and twilight, the sun’s sheltered rays gleamed against delirious windowpanes. Heavenly colors reflected off this make shift prism smelled of watermelon seeds and bumblebee trees. Again a wisp of air warned him, yet childlike hunger defied his intellect and drew him nearer primordial needs before the safety of his soul. How cynical of this house, to be so perniciously inviting to the ignorant traveler. He continued on, answering the silent beckon with uncertain footing. A single ring from a distant campanile tore through placid air as a jagged edge does water. His initial step ascending the forbidden knoll was met with another toll of the bell. Trees that lined his path turned away, pitying this unknown traveler, doubtful of his return. He drew closer with each chilling chime, salt on broken skin. A murder of crows sped from the treetops and squawked at the man. With the seventh consternating reverberation, the glowing orb and dismal sky disappeared into the shadow of night. The man wearily approached the morose structure, as its sagging frame conformed to trails of calming air. Raspy winds were of eerie comfort to his skin, like a fine silk garment on a cold day. From somewhere in the darkness, a nightingale sang her tune directly to, and only for the man. There was something so sweet in her eye, and it did him so much good. His boots left no mark on the wooden porch already trodden black as he swept toward the door. Whitewashed wooden siding emanated bright resounding hope if only for a moment, as an ember plumes, struggling to survive before extinguishing completely. He trod on, up bending steps to the chipped oaken door. He grasped the brass knocker with his whole palm and swung it in one great motion, slamming it against its brass-plated counterpart. With that came such a reverberation as to shake the foundation on which he stood. He dared to knock at the door of Avernus, and would so face the riddle of judgment. The ominous silence whispered to him, then could be heard no more. The earth violently quaked, parting the warped flats of the porch. Effusing sulfurous vapors patiently considered mercy, yet the fates had conspired against his plea. On the rupturing boards he remained, mortified, as molten hell-rock spewed from the depths of his new Tartarean home. Horror that could sear marble inspired him to flee fast from that detestable place, but stone replaced flesh – Mercury would have no power or means but to guide him forward. As he began to accept this fate, fear was slowly iced away. Spirit had been held and weighed in the hands of destiny and mercilessly taken from him. Bitter flame ensued as he took his place among the shadows of what was once his home. Research Papers on Haunted HouseThe Spring and AutumnWhere Wild and West Meet19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Hockey GameLifes What IfsTwilight of the UAWThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationHip-Hop is ArtQuebec and CanadaMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product

Monday, November 4, 2019

Nutrition questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nutrition questions - Essay Example l as maintain his health because imbalances in the diet with inappropriate amount of nutrients might result in health problems(Insel et al 2007 and Caldwell et al 1981). 2. Suggest the dietary amounts (in grams) of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats a person will need on a balanced diet if he/she requires 2500 kcalories per day . Explain the reasons for the values that you have chosen to use in solving this problem and show your work. Explain why this is considered a balanced diet for a normal individual. Answer: The acceptable range of carbohydrates, proteins and fats that are allowed in the diet is 50 %, 30% and 20 % percent respectively. These values fall in the normal recommended range according to the Acceptable Macro Nutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDRs). This is considered to be a part of a normal diet because these constituents are all present in the right amounts which are necessary to be consumed by an individual (Insel et al 2007 and Caldwell et al

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Research legal specialty software Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Research legal specialty software - Essay Example It has several features that are user friendly to the attorneys and they adhere to the Law Practice Optimization (LPO) guidelines. Some of the features that are useful in a law office and are provided by the Legal Assistant software program include but are not limited to: an optimized workflow of case management, billing, it has client management and time management, it customizes documents to fit an individual’s style, the software automatically generates letters and distributes them through either soft or hard copy, it also has several modules for the different legal practice areas. The best feature of all for those with limited office time is that it is compatible with other Microsoft Office features and hence no need to keep on migrating to look for those features. It is as effective as a paralegal ( Since this software program is developed by Attorneys, it is cost friendly for those who want to purchase. For the legal firms which are just starting or have limited cash flow, the software can be rented at low monthly charges of around $75. This software does not require to be installed in each computer in the office. It can be installed in one and then networking of the other PCs enable the access and usage of the software to the other individuals in the office. This is a benefit no other software program has and is also cost effective to the legal firms (Cornick,